IPTVTools By MANZERA AYENA v1 Cracked  17.03.2021

Potpuno funkcionalan, rade sve opcije kao što se vidi i na video fajlu
Pre startovanja deinstalirati verziju VLC i instalirati priloženu 2.2.2 32 bitnu
Ako hoćete da vam bude i plejer funkcionalan u programu





IPTVTools By MANZERA AYENA Allow you to :
Scan MAC portal IPTV with two mode (Simple/Advanced)
Check M3U playlist
Play MAC Portal On VLC with Player
Convert MAC to M3U
Génerate a random MAC and Scan with it

Simply it's a full solution

Please note :
The author says you must install VLC 2.2.2 32bit else the player doesn't work :
This tool only works on Windows 10, it will not work on windows 7 or 2012 server.


Download + Password :

 Download: IPTVTools By MANZERA AYENA v1 Cracked

 Download: IPTV TOOLS BY MANZERA AYENNA 1.0.0 - clean


 Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b87f9148e5d9149c0bc5b7f193ce58c2bc31e85373d9b60609f53faf9e52172f/detection


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